2020 Wildland self-study refresher course

Please complete all modules listed below, don’t put yourself at risk, take the time to complete all modules. You will need one sheet of paper and a pen. Place your name at the top of the paper and date completed. Once completed turn your paper into your station captain. Test questions listed below. Your Captain should have issued the purple IRPG to help complete this course. If not contact your station captain.

Module #1 = LCES: https://youtu.be/46kiCPcfUyg

Module #2 Watch out situation: https://youtu.be/NW69njY0CJY

Module #3 Standard Fire Fighter orders: https://youtu.be/9WhKKSGl9K0

Module #4 PPE: https://youtu.be/MCv4e_gP5f

Module #5 Beyond Your Limits: https://youtu.be/HWdkFbF6DUs

Module #6 Bass River Fire: https://youtu.be/ulSPTC6QuoM

Module #7 Is your LCES adequate? https://youtu.be/pQACcXe_2Gg

Module #8 Fire Shelter: https://youtu.be/QJsY6foLh8o

Number your paper in sequence with the questions below. Allow plenty of room for the next question.

1) Bass River Fire list the 10/18 that did not occur.

2) When should you deploy your shelter? This is not a one word answer!

3) Where are the 10/18s located in the IRPG?

4) Where is the size up report in the IRPG?

5) What is the purpose of the AAR?

6) When should you do a size up and what should be transmitted via radio to incoming crews?

7) Power line safety, what should you do when you find a down power line? Hint Page 24.

8) Hazard Trees, list situation awareness.

9) Watch out situations, list 5 situations and how would you mitigate them.

10) What was the best module you watched and why?

11) What would you have done different as a crew member on the bass river fire?

12) The IC on the Bass river fire, what should they have done different?

Any question please contact Ken Ker 425-501-6675

JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

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Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
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