About Us

The Joint Fire Protection District Ferry County #3 & Stevens County #8 was established in 1977, and actually formed in 1978.  The JFPD covers a narrow strip of land on the west side of the Columbia River and along the eastern and western shores of the Kettle River, extending 58 road miles from the Canadian border south to the Colville Indian Reservation.  Their area of responsibility covers over 100 square miles, and includes the Northport-Flat Creek area as well as Deadman Creek.  The JFPD is an all-volunteer fire department, consisting of approximately 40 volunteers with over 150 combined years of service to their community.  The district serves approximately 2500 remote and widely scattered residents, and defends the oldest operating school in the state at Orient, as well as the federal border compound at Laurier.

Bob Blackman was the force behind the establishment of the JFPD and he served as one of the District’s first commissioners and firefighters. Vic Daily was asked to be Chief and he served in that capacity for 22 years, retiring in 2000.  His wife, Bev, joined the department in 1980 as a firefighter (retired in 2002) and took over the secretarial duties in October 1981 (retiring in December 2003).  Those first few years were a struggle for the new department.  None of the firefighters possessed turnout gear, and they all fought fire in jeans and boots that they had to buy themselves.  Their first trucks were retired Army vehicles with windshield wipers that had to be pumped by hand.

From the single original station located in Orient, the JFPD now has grown to five stations:  (from north to south) Sand Creek (2010), Orient (1979), Barstow (1999), Barneys Junction (1980), and Tipton Hall (2000). This community growth has brought most of our taxpayers within 5 to 10 miles of a station, saving numerous lives.  The District currently (February 2014) maintains 11 brush trucks, 7 engines, 8 tenders, 5 medical vehicles and 5 support vehicles.  Many of these vehicles were acquired through the generosity of the U.S. Forest Service and the Department of National Resources, although some of those have been acquired through grant assistance.

The current commissioners of Joint Fire District 3 & 8 are:

District 8
Chez Young
Steve Benell
Dale McNitt

District 3
Helen Soward
Shirly Nevin
Charlie Cole


In 2004, the District installed a new District Office and Training Center located at Barstow with the help of local grants.  Current firefighters are asked to attend two training sessions a month and complete the Basic Fire Fighter I Training Program.  Thanks to these dedicated volunteers, JFPD 3 & 8 is available 24 / 7 to respond to fire and medical emergencies.

Current officers:

Herb Hippler, Chief
Gary Tucker, Assistant Chief and Training Officer
Thomas Lonely Wolf, Safety Officer
Rich Robinson, Medical Officer

Station Captains:

Dave Oswald (Sand Creek)
Bob Davis (Orient)
John Kearney (Barstow)
Charlie Cole (Barney’s)
John Gilson (Tipton)

Volunteers are always needed for the District.  If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Chief Hippler at 680-8873.

Fire Stations:

Orient, 151 Main Street, Orient, WA 99160
Barstow, 25266 N Hwy 395, Kettle Falls, WA 99141
Barney’s Junction, 34199 Hwy 20 E, Kettle Falls, WA 99141
Tipton, 16 Tipton Road, Kettle Falls, WA 99141
Sand Creek, 3585 Sand Creek Road, Kettle Falls, WA 99141
Flat Creek, 3268 Northport-Flat Creek Road

JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

Copyright © 2025 by
The Joint Fire Protection District 3 and 8
Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
All Rights Reserved.

Website Last Updated: February 19, 2025

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