Red Flag Warning – Sept 7, 2020


The National Weather Service in Spokane has issued a Red Flag
Warning for wind and low relative humidity, which is in effect
from 11 AM to 8 PM PDT Monday. The Fire Weather Watch is no
longer in effect.

  • Affected Area: Fire Weather Zone 686 Northeast Washington and
    Fire Weather Zone 687 Okanogan Highlands.
  • Winds: Northeast 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. Local
    winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph around Deer Park and
    the Spokane Reservation.
  • Relative Humidities: 14 to 30 percent.
  • Impacts: Rapid fire spread of any new or ongoing fires will be
    possible. Heed burn ban restrictions. Outdoor burning is not


A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions
are either occurring now….or will shortly. A combination of
strong winds…low relative humidity…and warm temperatures can
contribute to extreme fire behavior.

Fire Weather Watch

Issued: 9:14 PM Sep. 4, 2020 – National Weather Service


The National Weather Service in Spokane has issued a Fire Weather Watch for wind and low relative humidity, which is in effect from Monday morning through Monday evening.

* Affected Area: Fire Weather Zone 686 East Washington Northeast (Zone 686) and Fire Weather Zone 687 East Washington Okanogan Highlands (Zone 687).

* Winds: Northeast 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph.

* Relative Humidities: 20 to 30 percent.

* Impacts: Rapid fire spread of any new or ongoing fires will be possible. Heed burn ban restrictions. Outdoor burning not recommended.


A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditions are forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possible Red Flag Warnings.

Red Flag Warning

Red Flag Warning for NE Washington area Saturday.

Report any sign of smoke or fire immediately. Better to call and be wrong than not call and have a fire get away.

NWS Spokane – Critical Fire Weather Conditions Saturday

A cold front moving through on Saturday will bring dry, windy conditions to the Inland Northwest Saturday afternoon through Sunday morning. Gusts 35 to 45 mph will be possible. 


  • New or existing fires will be able to spread rapidly during this period (Saturday afternoon into Sunday morning)
  • Choppy lakes

Temperatures cool 7 to 10 degrees Sunday behind the front

Warmer and breezier weather may return to Columbia Basin Tuesday

Special Commissioner’s Meeting

August 25, 2020

Special commissioner’s meeting, Thursday August 27, 2020 at 18:30, (6:30pm)

Purpose: Orient water district

Due to the COVID-19 proclamation the special commissioners meeting is not open to the public. The minutes will be available for review on the website at

High Fire Danger Across Washington Prompts Ban of Shooting on DNR Lands

Temporary Ban on Unlawful Shooting on DNR-managed Lands Statewide Begins Saturday at 12 a.m.

To help prevent wildfires, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is temporarily banning the discharge of firearms for target-shooting or other purposes by anyone not engaged in lawful hunting. This ban will apply to 3 million acres of DNR-managed lands. This includes state forests, community forests, and forested state lands. The temporary ban goes into effect at 12 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 15, 2020.

“We are entering a period of hot, dry weather across our state, including the highest temperatures we’ve seen all year,” said Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz. “As conditions get hotter and drier, wildfire risk increases significantly, and we must take reasonable steps to prevent human-caused fires. I know this is an inconvenience for recreational target shooters, but we must do all that we can to ensure that our firefighters do not have to put their lives on the line to fight a preventable fire. When conditions improve, it will be lifted. But for now, we must put the safety of our communities and firefighters first.”

Discharging firearms poses a greater risk in dry conditions as bullets pass through decayed wood, cause sparks off rocks, or break into fragments in dry grass. This year, DNR has already responded to a greater number of fires than the ten-year annual average.

This temporary rule does not restrict hunting.

A burn ban is currently in effect on DNR lands statewide, and fire danger on most of the east side is rated as “high” or “extremely high.” Residents should check burn bans in their areas.  

Commissioner Franz is encouraging private landowners to consider target shooting restrictions on their own lands. 

The ban on discharging firearms for target-shooting, or other non-lawful hunting with firearms, is in effect until further notice.

Anyone who spots a wildfire should call 911 as soon as possible to report it.

DNR Recreation and Leadership

Led by the Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz, DNR manages nearly 1,300 miles of trails and 160-plus recreation sites in 3 million acres of working forest state trust lands and 92 natural areas. DNR trust lands keep forests development-free, provide clean water, and generate revenue for public services and school construction. To learn more about recreation on DNR-managed lands, visit

Commissioner Franz and DNR staff are also responsible for preventing and fighting wildfires on 13 million acres of private, state and tribal-owned land. DNR is the state’s largest wildfire fighting force.

Updated burn restrictions

Fire Danger:  Very High / Extreme

Burn Ban:  Rule and Permit burns are banned  

Fire danger level is very high. All debris burning on DNR jurisdiction is prohibited. This includes rule burning and permit burning. Campfires are allowed in approved, designated campgrounds only. Contact the county for information on recreation burning and debris burning on improved property.

Comissioner’s Meeting – Closed to Public

Due to COVID-19 proclamation, the commissioners meeting is not open to the public, but minutes will be available for review.

Burn Ban Info

Outdoor burning, the use of charcoal briquettes, and prescribed burns are banned on all forest lands through September 30, 2020. The following exceptions will apply: Recreational fires in approved fire pits within designated state, county, municipal or other campgrounds. As approved in writing by the Commissioner of Public Lands or Department Supervisor, approved prescribed fire for ecological purposes, when conducted by trained professionals. As approved in writing by the Commissioner of Public Lands or Department Supervisor when there are compelling reasons for such an exception.

Additionally, all open flames are prohibited in the unincorporated areas of Ferry County. This order is not intended to preclude the use of backyard barbecues, chimneys or other patio/deck warmers as long as only approved fuel is used; seasoned (clean and dry) firewood, briquettes or propane. Approved campfires at designated places in parks and campgrounds are also allowed as determined by agencies with jurisdiction. Disposal of vegetative waste in a recreational fire is prohibited. This restriction is in effect immediately and until further notice.

Additional information can be found in the proclamations. You can read them here. They’re short.

Dozer and Transport training

Joint Fire District 3&8 memo to all 3&8 fire fighters.

Hello all, here with a few items I need to address before this year’s wildland fire season.

1). Thanks to all who have completed this year’s online refresher course, for those who have not completed, please take the time a do so.

2) Dozer operations and transport.

a. Transport, we need to define who has the capability to operate 3898 (lowboy tractor trailer) and document a road test on this vehicle.

b. Dozer Operators, we need to define who has the capability and skill to operate the dozer and provide seat time before wild land season. I would like utilize the property on Carson road for dozer line construction.

C. Dozer boss, I know only a hand full of our fire fighters at one point in time completed dozer boss training. I would like to offer this class to those willing to take this task on. Keep in mind that a dozer boss needs to be arduous. (walk long distances)

May 27th 18:00 here at the Training Center will be a transport class, this will involve the operation of 3898, vehicle review and inspection, loading and unloading procedures and basic dozer operation for loading and unloading. Here is your chance to show us your skills as a transport operator, see you here.

June 1st 18:00 here at the training center, Basic dozer operations for operators. This will also be a station captains meeting date. We will transport the dozer to the training site and evaluate dozer operators. So if you think you have the skill and talent as an operator here is your chance, attend this meeting. Everyone one to meet here at the T.C. first.

With the Covid 19 pandemic, we need to practice social distancing. Please do not attend if your feel sick or have a temperature above 100°. Face mask will be required if you are at high risk.

 I would rather cut fire line with a dozer than hand tools, we need to start utilizing our equipment. Please provide me with any feed back or questions and thank you for your services.

JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

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The Joint Fire Protection District 3 and 8
Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
All Rights Reserved.

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