Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fire Update 8-14-21

Yesterday firefighters were assisted on the ground by the dense smoke over the fire which helped moderate fire activity.  This allowed firefighters to make good progress on establishing indirect and contingency containment lines around the entire fire area.  Crews utilized heavy equipment to remove fuel from indirect and contingency lines.  Falling crews worked to remove dangerous trees and snags so firefighters can work safely in and around the fire.  No aircraft were able to fly due to the smoky conditions. 

Today crews will continue to finish up indirect containment lines around the fire.  Firefighters expect the fire to reach Forest Service Rd 6110 today.  This road has been prepared as an indirect fire line and crews will be prepared to suppress the fire as it reaches the road.  Helicopters will be used if smoke conditions allow.

The Bulldog Mountain Fire started August 5. 2021, located 20 miles north of Kettle Falls. The lightning caused fire spread quickly due to low relative humidity and unseasonably dry conditions.  The fire is burning in heavy timber and slash.  The fire is currently estimated at 2900 acres with 5% containment.

Mack Mountain Fire:  The Mack Mountain Fire started August 5, 2021 and is just south west of the Bulldog Mountain Fire.  The fire is still relatively small but it has grown to approximately 50 acres.  Residents in the Deadman Creek area may see smoke from the fire.  The fire area is located in steep, rugged terrain with limited access.  Fire managers are planning for future action when appropriate and more resources become available.

Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts.  Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy should be vigilant and watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway.  There are 185 personnel assigned to the incident. There have been two minor injuries with no structures lost.  Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.  

Level 1 evacuation orders and road closures are in place. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.  Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open.  For information on area & road closures on the Colville National Forest please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd938379.pdf   Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures. 

Northeast Washington Interagency Incident Management Team 2 (NEWIMT2) assumed command of the fire August 7th at 11:00 a.m.  Fire information and the incident command post is located at Kettle Falls High School in Kettle Falls, WA. Fire information contact is Jeff Sevigney 509 993-2946 or you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/newimt3/ and Inciweb at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7785/

JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

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The Joint Fire Protection District 3 and 8
Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
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