EVIP class this Monday. 2-9-25

Please bring your evip card and sign off book.

Wildland Online Training

Here are the links you will need for Online Wildland Training as of 2021

The main training will be under the tab Course Material top Right of the screen.

New Account – https://wildlandfirelearningportal.net/login/signup.php?

I180 – https://www.nwcg.gov/publications/training-courses/l-180

S190 – https://www.nwcg.gov/publications/training-courses/s-190

S130 – https://www.nwcg.gov/publications/training-courses/s-130

2021 Walk Test

Every year, firefighters have to go through Red Card refresher as part of their wildland training. Part of that is the walk test, one mile carrying 40 pounds of gear on a time limit.

Here were this year’s participants!

Dozer and Transport training

Joint Fire District 3&8 memo to all 3&8 fire fighters.

Hello all, here with a few items I need to address before this year’s wildland fire season.

1). Thanks to all who have completed this year’s online refresher course, for those who have not completed, please take the time a do so.

2) Dozer operations and transport.

a. Transport, we need to define who has the capability to operate 3898 (lowboy tractor trailer) and document a road test on this vehicle.

b. Dozer Operators, we need to define who has the capability and skill to operate the dozer and provide seat time before wild land season. I would like utilize the property on Carson road for dozer line construction.

C. Dozer boss, I know only a hand full of our fire fighters at one point in time completed dozer boss training. I would like to offer this class to those willing to take this task on. Keep in mind that a dozer boss needs to be arduous. (walk long distances)

May 27th 18:00 here at the Training Center will be a transport class, this will involve the operation of 3898, vehicle review and inspection, loading and unloading procedures and basic dozer operation for loading and unloading. Here is your chance to show us your skills as a transport operator, see you here.

June 1st 18:00 here at the training center, Basic dozer operations for operators. This will also be a station captains meeting date. We will transport the dozer to the training site and evaluate dozer operators. So if you think you have the skill and talent as an operator here is your chance, attend this meeting. Everyone one to meet here at the T.C. first.

With the Covid 19 pandemic, we need to practice social distancing. Please do not attend if your feel sick or have a temperature above 100°. Face mask will be required if you are at high risk.

 I would rather cut fire line with a dozer than hand tools, we need to start utilizing our equipment. Please provide me with any feed back or questions and thank you for your services.

2020 Wildland self-study refresher course

Please complete all modules listed below, don’t put yourself at risk, take the time to complete all modules. You will need one sheet of paper and a pen. Place your name at the top of the paper and date completed. Once completed turn your paper into your station captain. Test questions listed below. Your Captain should have issued the purple IRPG to help complete this course. If not contact your station captain.

Module #1 = LCES: https://youtu.be/46kiCPcfUyg

Module #2 Watch out situation: https://youtu.be/NW69njY0CJY

Module #3 Standard Fire Fighter orders: https://youtu.be/9WhKKSGl9K0

Module #4 PPE: https://youtu.be/MCv4e_gP5f

Module #5 Beyond Your Limits: https://youtu.be/HWdkFbF6DUs

Module #6 Bass River Fire: https://youtu.be/ulSPTC6QuoM

Module #7 Is your LCES adequate? https://youtu.be/pQACcXe_2Gg

Module #8 Fire Shelter: https://youtu.be/QJsY6foLh8o

Number your paper in sequence with the questions below. Allow plenty of room for the next question.

1) Bass River Fire list the 10/18 that did not occur.

2) When should you deploy your shelter? This is not a one word answer!

3) Where are the 10/18s located in the IRPG?

4) Where is the size up report in the IRPG?

5) What is the purpose of the AAR?

6) When should you do a size up and what should be transmitted via radio to incoming crews?

7) Power line safety, what should you do when you find a down power line? Hint Page 24.

8) Hazard Trees, list situation awareness.

9) Watch out situations, list 5 situations and how would you mitigate them.

10) What was the best module you watched and why?

11) What would you have done different as a crew member on the bass river fire?

12) The IC on the Bass river fire, what should they have done different?

Any question please contact Ken Ker 425-501-6675

Year end pot lock

JFPD 3&8 celebrates another year of a job well done!

Fire Training Ground BC

November 2nd 2019 Review of Grand Forks BC training grounds with live fire training w/ Christina Lake BC.

Wildland refresher class

For those who missed the Wildland Refresher class this year, there are some makeup classes available.

Reminder: If you DO NOT take a wildland refresher class this year, you will not be permitted to fight wildland fires with the District.

Wildand refresher class for those who still need it, DNR is having two classes. Here are the dates:

5-22-19 09:00 at the armory in Colville (Next to DNR office)

6-19-19 09:00  at the armory in Colville (Next to DNR office)  

Ice Rescue Training

Multi-agency training for Ice Rescue.

Saturday, January 26, 2017. 0930. Meet at Training Center.

Annual Ice Rescue Training / Refresher Class 2019

Where: 25266 Hwy 395 N (Barstow Training Center)
When: January 26th 2019
Time : 09:30 am
What: teach, reach throw, row and go.

Phone: 509-680-8873 / 509-738-4591

Email: jfpd38chief@gmail.com

Items: Please bring your PDF, PPE and throw ropes

Agenda: This years we will be having a two hour class room training followed by a field training on the ice. Everyone is welcome and lunch will be provided.

NO FEE to attend.

Please Email me with a head count at the above email address.


Joint Fire District Ferry Co#3 and Stevens #8
25266 Hwy 395 N Kettle Falls WA 99141

JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

Copyright © 2025 by
The Joint Fire Protection District 3 and 8
Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
All Rights Reserved.

Website Last Updated: February 19, 2025

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