Commissioner Meeting Minutes – August 10, 2017

MINUTES August 10, 2017

The regular meeting of Joint Fire Protection Ferry County District 3/Stevens County District 8 was called to order at 6:34 p.m. on August 10, 2017 at the District Office by Chairperson: Charlie Cole.

Present: Commissioners Chez Young, Helen Sowards, Dale McNitt, Shirly Nevin, Steve Benell. Chief Herb Hippler, Purchasing Agent Mark Stevens and Secretary, Shauna Hippler.

Guests: Robert Lee

Minutes: Dale made the motion to accept the amended minutes from July 2017 minutes, Steve seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Resolutions: Went over the Boots Resolution. Still nothing resolved.

Communications to the board: Lifeflight class: Will discuss this class at the Monday district meeting. This will be Lifeflight vs Medstar

New Business:

  • Temporary deed for the Northport/Flatcreek: was sent home with Shirly to scan.
  • Bids for well: Went over bids for the new well. Also Steve made the motion to approve $20,000 for a new well, Helen 2nd, vote was unanimous. Chez made the motion to “Set the pump/wire/plumb” the new well. Shirly 2nd, vote was unanimous.
  • Interview w/Julian for Yard Maintenance: Commissioners interviewed and hired Julian for Yard Maintenance for $11 an hour. First time working 4 hours to get things up to date. Motion to hire Julian was made by Dale and Helen 2nd, vote was unanimous. Mark will purchase a new trimmer to use.
  • Credit Cards: Commissioners approved to apply for a new credit card with Banner Bank, to replace the Bank of America credit card. Requesting a $7000 credit limit. The Fire Chef limit of $1000, medical officers limit of $1000, and purchasing agent a limit of $5000.  Any commissioner is authorized to request additional cards.  
  • Deadman creek Rd: Signs have been ordered for the Tipton Station.
  • Station Tours: Tours for all stations have been made for August 16th and 17th starting at 6pm each night. The 16th will be Sandcreek, Orient and Barstow. The 17th will be Tipton, Barneys and Northport/Flatcreek.

Correspondence: None

Budget Report:. Helen made the motion to approve payables, Dale seconded. Motion was unanimous.

Vouchers Audited and Certified BY THE AUDITING OFFICER AS REQUIRED BY RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing, which has been made available to the board. As of this date August 10, 2017 the board by a unanimous vote, does approve for payment those vouchers included in the above list and further described as follows: Accounts Payable vouchers #320209 through #320235 in the amount of $14,425.19.

Committee Reports:

  • Buildings: None
  • Communications: None
  • Fire Safety: None
  • Recruitment: None
  • Insurance: None


Medical Officer Report:

Chiefs Report: Herb discussed structure truck in Wyoming with commissioners and went over truck prices. He also went over the MOB fires and area fires.

 Open Issues:

  • Burn Building – None
  • Warning signs – None
  • Executive Session: None

Dale made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:17pm Shirly seconded. Motion was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted:

Shauna Hippler, Secretary ___________________________________

Charlie Cole, Chairperson ____________________________


JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

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The Joint Fire Protection District 3 and 8
Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
All Rights Reserved.

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