Commissioner Meeting Minutes – July 13, 2017

MINUTES July 13, 2017

The regular meeting of Joint Fire Protection Ferry County District 3/Stevens County District 8 was called to order at 6:36 p.m. on July 13, 2017 at the District Office by Chairperson: Charlie Cole.

Present: Commissioners Chez Young, Helen Sowards, Dale McNitt, Steve Benell. Chief Herb Hippler, Purchasing Agent Mark Stevens and Secretary, Shauna Hippler.

Guests: Danne Ingham

Minutes: Helen made the motion to accept the amended minutes from June 2017 minutes, Dale seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Food for picnic:  Steve made the motion to approve $350 for purchase of food and drink etc. for the summer bbq. Chez seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Communications to the board: The County wouldn’t let the paperwork be filed for the Northport/Flatcreek property because we needed a title after JFPD 3&8. Chez will send over the paperwork with “Municipal” to be refiled.

New Business: Discussed shipping of the tires from Texas, and how to pay the fee.  Also discussed getting a new bank for credit cards.

Correspondence: Went over incoming mail and reports from Shirly since she was absent.

Budget Report:. Helen made the motion to approve payables, Chez seconded. Motion was unanimous.

Vouchers Audited and Certified BY THE AUDITING OFFICER AS REQUIRED BY RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing, which has been made available to the board. As of this date July 13, 2017 the board by a unanimous vote, does approve for payment those vouchers included in the above list and further described as follows: Accounts Payable vouchers #326274 through #326294 in the amount of $18,718.84.

Committee Reports:

  • Buildings: None
  • Communications: None
  • Fire Safety: None
  • Recruitment: None
  • Insurance: None

Other: Interviewed Danne Ingham for the new janitorial position. Motion to hire her made by Helen and seconded by Dale and Steve. Vote was unanimous.

Medical Officer Report:

Chiefs Report: Herb found a new truck to replace the () at Barney’s station. The new truck is 15,800. Steve made the motion to approve purchase price of new truck. Helen seconded and vote was unanimous. Lonelywolf will be doing all vehicle inspections for all the stations.

Open Issues:

  • Burn Building – None
  • Warning signs – None
  • Executive Session: None

Helen made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:55 pm Dale seconded. Motion was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted:

Shauna Hippler, Secretary ___________________________________

Charlie Cole, Chairperson ____________________________


JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

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The Joint Fire Protection District 3 and 8
Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
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