Stevens County Fire Chiefs Training Conference 2018

May 4th, 5th, 6th, 2018

The conference will cover a wide variety of topics including “live fire”, SCBA Operations, Critical Thinking for the Initial IC, Avista Gas and Electric, Vertical Ventilation, Fire Service Administration, Fire Service Leadership and much more. We are looking forward to Spokane County Fire District 4’s, Assistant Chief, Bill Neckels, as our keynote speaker Friday night.

What you can expect from this conference:
➢ Knowledgeable Instructors
➢ Live fire training
➢ Learn from years of real life experiences
➢ Meet, train and build relationships with local districts

Register for event at:
Washington State Fire Chiefs Association
Office Phone: 360.352.0161
If you have questions
Ryan Power (509) 680-4576
Conference Coordinator

Click here to download brochure of Stevens County Fire Chiefs Training Conference 2018 and see schedule of events

$25.00 registration fee includes the Fire Service leadership class Friday night.

• 25 participants max, Track 1 and Track 2.

• Lunch will be on your own all days.

• Event check-in will begin Friday May 4th at 1700-1800 hours, at Stevens County Sherriff’s Ambulance Building (425 N HWY) and again from 0630-0800 hours on Saturday morning at the Colville Junior High (990 S Cedar) for those who can’t make it Friday night.• Full structural PPE, SCBA and a spare air bottle are required for TRACK 1 both days.

• Please contact Colville Chamber of Commerce for assistance with accommodations at (509) 684-5976.

• Any structural firefighting gear including SCBA’s need to meet NFPA standards.

• Friday Night Keynote, we are lucky to have Spokane County Fire District 4, Assistant Chief Bill Neckels as our keynote speaker. Chief Neckels will be speaking on leadership in the fire service and the code of the west.

• The Critical Thinking for Initial Incident Command, will be held in the Colville Junior High Library. This class will be a mix of presentation and group involvement. This class covers a wide variety of expectations of command. Blooms taxonomy and Costas’ level of intellectual functioning methodology in addressing critical thinking when applied to the initial IC. Fire Dynamics/reading Smoke, Coordinated Ventilation and pit falls of decision making are some of the topics that will be discussed.

• Fire Administration, class is intended to be a round table discussion of current and upcoming problems, issues and how to deal with them. The round table will have a panel of experienced members to answer questions and provide feedback to: This class is targeted at Administrative personnel (Chiefs, Commissioners, Mayors, Administrative personnel). Agencies will include Washington State Board of Volunteer Firefighters, Washington State mobilization, Washington State Fire chiefs, DNR and many other agencies with a wide array of experience. Fire Administration class will be held at the Armory Building, south of, The Regional DNR Office, 225 S Silke Road.

• Avista Gas and Electric, will be presenting a class for first responders on the hazards associated with Gas and electrical emergencies. This is a 3-hour class Saturday afternoon only. The class will be located onsite at Avista Utilities 176 Degrief Rd, Colville, Wa.

• Health and Wellness & Firefighter Cancer, class will be a presentation on the risks associated with a firefighter’s health and cancer. This is a growing concern in the fire service and something that every firefighter should be aware of ways to limit any and all exposures. This class will be at the Colville Junior High School.

• Fire Blast Trailer, will be a hands-on class. We will be expanding on the blast trailer from last year. This year we will add some skills and drills on fire ground basics including: nozzle patterns and control, hose advancement and positioning, various types of fire suppression techniques and more. Full PPE/SCBA required. This class targets firefighters who need “live fire” training or more time on the nozzle. Great for new firefighters. The Fire Blast trailer will be in the parking lot of Colville Junior High (990 S Cedar).

• SCBA operations, class is a combination of classroom and hands-on. This is a great class for those who need more time or experience with an SCBA. Donning, Doffing and skill sets will build confidence in members’ ability to use their equipment. Evolutions will lead up to a full confidence course. This will be a physical-hands on training, with an emphasis on SCBA operations. The classroom portion will be held at the Colville Fire Station 283 E 1st.

• Vertical Ventilation, class will be a mix of classroom and hands on training. Ventilation types and practical applications will be discussed. This is a great class to better understand what goes on interior and possible ventilation tactics. The hands-on portion for vertical ventilation will be on props and will require full PPE and proof of coverage for insurance.

• If you are ONLY attending the Friday night, Fire Service Leadership presentation, your admission is FREE.

• Anyone participating in hands on training needs to be covered by their department’s insurance policy (or Washington State Board of Volunteer Firefighters) (check with your department staff).

• Anyone participating in “live fire” training should have department training prior to the training conference.

JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

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The Joint Fire Protection District 3 and 8
Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
All Rights Reserved.

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