Special Commisioner’s Meeting

There will be a special comissioner’s meeting on February 7 at 1900 hours to discuss planning and construction of the new Flatcreek Fire Station.

Meeting to be held at the Barstow Training Centre.

Special Commissioners Meeting

Notice of Special Commissioners Meeting

Thursday November 15th ,2018

At 18:30

  • Approval of levy certifications
  • 4 Resolutions
  • 2 Budgets
  • Reimbursements, voucher approval for payables to Barstow Store, and Banner Bank

Commissioners’ Meetings are at the Barstow Training Centre.
25266 N Hwy 395, Kettle Falls, WA 99141

Special Commissioner’s Meeting

There will be a special commissioner’s meeting on Thursday, November 1, 2018 to discuss the budget.  The public is welcome.

The meeting will take place at the Barstow Training Center at 6:30 PM

Commissioner Meeting minutes – March 2018


March 8, 2018

The regular meeting of Joint Fire Protection Ferry County District 3/Stevens County District 8 was called to order at 6:42 p.m. on March 8, 2018 at the District Office by Chairperson: Charlie Cole.

Present: Commissioners Chez Young, Helen Sowards, Shirly Nevin, and Steve Benell. Chief Herb Hippler, Purchasing Agent Mark Stevens, and Secretary, Shauna Hippler.

Guests: Ken Kerr and Zachary Eisdness

Minutes: Helen made the motion to accept the February 2018 minutes, Steve 2nd, vote was unanimous.

Resolutions: None

Communications to Board: Dave Phel from Fogle presentation: Dave gave a presentation with 4 different options to bring water to the Northport Flatcreek station. The options varied from 8 to 22 thousand dollars. The commissioners will go over the different options. A water sample is also needed before a building permit can be obtained.

New Business: None


  • Shirly: BIAS Rally- Per Diem- Commissioners will now have to pay taxes on their quarterly checks.
  • Hiring Firefighters: Commissioners went over hiring one of our own firefighters instead of a contractor. We would have to report wages to L&I. Shirly called Roger Farris and will need a resolution.

Ken Kerr:

  • Meetings report: Ken talked about the All Hazards Mitigation Plan that the commissioners will need to sign. Its for wildfire protection and will need to be signed in order to receive FEMA funds. Ken is going to contact Brad Tucker to come to the April 12rh commissioners meeting to explain.
  • Deadman Creek Meeting: Ken went over the events and discussion of the meeting.
  • Ken would like to host an open house on May 5th. He applied for an Education Promotion grant to help cover costs of learning materials to hand out.

Budget Report: Shirly went over the budget report.

Voucher approval: Monthly payables were reviewed and approved by commissioners. Helen made the motion to accept and Steve 2nd, vote was unanimous.  

Vouchers Audited and Certified BY THE AUDITING OFFICER AS REQUIRED BY RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing, which has been made available to the board. As of this date February 8, 2018 the board by a unanimous vote, does approve for payment those vouchers included in the above list and further described as follows: Accounts Payable vouchers #320440 through #320461 in the amount of $9,602.10.

Committee Reports:


  1. NP/FC building progress: Received a quote from Floener Electric of $1646.00 to se up the Pedestal.
  2. Special Meeting (3/15/18) to open bids for the building.
  3. Went over the steps for Avista to set up power.

Steve: Steve went over the accident that Thomas Lonelywolf was in on the way to two different fire calls. And also his ambulance ride to the hospital from what he thought was smoke inhalation.

  1. Communications: None
  2. Fire Safety: None
  3. Recruitment: None
  4. Insurance: None

Medical Officer Report: None

Chiefs Report: DNR phase II grant work has started, the Wetland Study is in progress and awaiting for the permit process to be completed. Herb has also started working on the CAFS on 3824, and might be able to re allocate funds to other projects is permission allows.

There was one structure fire on March 4th (Saturday). A single wide trailer. They saved about 70% of the interior content but suffered heavy smoke and water damage. The could not believe they saved the majority of the structure and took the time to tarp his belongings.

Colville structure training is completed with a total of 6 people completing the class. Herb attended the hands-on training with the crew on Saturday March 7th. Its looking like everyone is struggling with structure fire due to non-activity.

Herb ordered a microphone system for the Training Center, this will help with training and public meetings being held there. The cost was minimal, everything was under $75.00.

The large copy machine suffered a major mother board issue due to the last power outage, he recommends looking at GSA Xcess for another one.

2018 Red Card refresher class will be on April 9, 2018 at 18:00 at the Training Center. The Station Captains will be participating as instructors. Welcome back Ken Kerr!

SCBA bottles: the majority of bottles will be needing hydro testing to be incompliant, we will be sending sets of 5 to Spokane to get tested.

  • Herb found a surplus bulldozer on GSA Xcess. When items get posted on the site we have 5 days to react and submit a request. Herb won the bid and the commissioners made a motion to accept buying it. Helen made the motion to purchase and Steve 2nd. The vote only needed 4 commissioners.

Open Issues:

  • Burn Building: None
  • Executive Session: 9:20 to 9:32.

Helen made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:35pm Steve seconded. Motion was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted:

Shauna Hippler, Secretary ___________________________________

Charlie Cole, Chairperson ____________________________

Commissioner Meeting Minutes – February 2018


February 8, 2018


The regular meeting of Joint Fire Protection Ferry County District 3/Stevens County District 8 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on February 8, 2018 at the District Office by Chairperson: Charlie Cole.

Present: Commissioners Chez Young, Helen Sowards, Shirly Nevin, Steve Benell and Dale McNitt. Chief Herb Hippler, Medical Officer Rich Robinson, Purchasing Agent Mark Stevens, and Secretary, Shauna Hippler.


Guests: Ken Kerr


Minutes: Helen made the motion to accept the January 2018 minutes, Dale 2nd, vote was unanimous.


Resolutions: None


Communications to Board: Charlie read over the incoming mail.


Ken Kerr: Ken presented to the Commissioners a program of “outreach” for the community and to keep fire fighters in the district from leaving to go on contracted fires. He would go to meetings etc asking for endorsements for Fuel Reduction. Ken was hired by the commissioners as the new Public Relations Outreach Commander.


Alivia’s accident follow up: Waiting to hear from BVFF.


Injury Control: The board for Injury Control are; Dale since he is in charge of fire safety and Thomas Lonelywolf, Steve Benell and Herb Hippler. If any injuries occur then a safety report needs to be turned in to the safety officers along with a report describing the injury and then sent to the council to review, this is required by BVFF.


New Business: None


Correspondence: It was brought to the commissioners’ attention that when firefighters are on an accident scene that it would be a good idea to have good lighting so they can be seen easier by oncoming traffic, ie balloon lights.


Budget Report: Shirly went over the budget report.


Voucher approval: Monthly payables were reviewed and approved by commissioners. Steve made the motion to accept and Helen 2nd, vote was unanimous.  



Vouchers Audited and Certified BY THE AUDITING OFFICER AS REQUIRED BY RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing, which has been made available to the board. As of this date February 8, 2018 the board by a unanimous vote, does approve for payment those vouchers included in the above list and further described as follows: Accounts Payable vouchers #320423 through #320439 in the amount of $8,302.47.

Committee Reports:

  • Buildings: (Ziggys) Chez handed out a Pole bldg estimate sheet for discussion on the NP/FC station. We will put a bid in the paper for building supply estimates. We need to get 3 bids also for utility service of 400 amp set up and inspection.


  • Dave Phelps from Fogle March 8: Commissioners meeting on March 8 Fogle will be here to give examples on how to set up the NP/FC station for water.



  • Communications: None
  • Fire Safety: None
  • Recruitment: None
  • Insurance: None


Medical Officer Report: There are currently 2 firefighters in the EMT class. Thomas East and Gene Earsley. Rich is getting them set up with their own equipment. Rich would also like to have training for the firefighters who respond and help with accidents. What equipment is needed and basic training for traffic control etc. Went over First Responder calls for the month.


Chiefs Report: DNR phase II grant approved grant number 2018-06 in the amount of $10,100

FEMA grant submitted in the amount of $111,000 hoses, PPE and SCBA tanks.

Will take over one year before the announcements come out.


Barney’s Station captain will be Jacob East.


All jaws of life equipment has been distributed to the following station 2,4,1 and 7.


Ice rescue was a big success, 3&8 made the front page of the Statesman Examiner.


Will be posting training records for everyone to see.


Forest service contract and bill, we need something set for 2018 wildland service for billing and proper tax deductions.


We have 9 people attending the structure training in Colville, the final date will be March 5th, 2018.


The last chiefs meeting we had three entities wanting volunteers to do more work. NPS wanted the districts to patrol camp grounds during a burn ban. The Stevens County Coroner wants all the districts to do a “natural death” form because the sheriff told her that he did not want his deputies to do them.


The Federal government wanted to do live data drug over dose app for all department to do on scene.



Open Issues:


  • Burn Building: None
  • Executive Session: 8:14 to 8:32.


Steve made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:20pm Helen seconded. Motion was unanimous.


Respectfully submitted:

Shauna Hippler, Secretary ___________________________________


Charlie Cole, Chairperson ____________________________


Comissioner Meeting Minutes – January 2018


January 16, 2018


The regular meeting of Joint Fire Protection Ferry County District 3/Stevens County District 8 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on January 16, 2018 at the District Office by Chairperson: Charlie Cole.

Present: Commissioners Chez Young, Helen Sowards, Shirly Nevin, Steve Benell and Dale McNitt. Chief Herb Hippler, Purchasing Agent Mark Stevens, and Secretary, Shauna Hippler.


Guests: Fortitude Isreal


Minutes: Charlie read the amended minutes from November 2017 minutes.  Shirly made the motion to accept and Steve 2nd, vote was unanimous.

Helen made the motion to accept the December 2017 minutes, Chez 2nd, vote was unanimous.


Resolutions: Three new Resolutions

  • 2018-1 Agree to operate as a joint department
  • 2018-2 Organization of the Joint Board of Fire Commissioners for 3&8 committee.

             Charlie: Chairperson and Buildings

             Helen: Recruitment

             Steve: Insurance

             Shirly: Finance

             Dale: Fire Safety

             Chez: Communication


  • 2018-3 Authorization BVFF- Board of Trustees for BVFF



DNR Phase 2 Grant:  Herb has turned in the grant


Tribal Mutual Aid: In the past the Tribe hasn’t wanted to sign the Mutual Aid Agreement. The dept. will just wait until they’re ready to agree to our terms.


Alivia’s accident: The BVFF board met with Alivia before the commissioners meeting to go over her accident. The accident form was sent to BVFF and Steve is handling the case.



Communications to Board: Charlie turned in his resignation as Station Captain for the Barneys Station.


New Business: None


Correspondence: None


Budget Report: January’s treasurers report will be brought in and signed at the February meeting.



Vouchers Audited and Certified BY THE AUDITING OFFICER AS REQUIRED BY RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing, which has been made available to the board. As of this date October 12, 2017 the board by a unanimous vote, does approve for payment those vouchers included in the above list and further described as follows: Accounts Payable vouchers #320398 through #320423 in the amount of $17,928.17.

Committee Reports:

  • Buildings: Chez is handling the building plans for the Northport Flatcreek Rd station. And contacting Ziggys to draw up the design and cost. The new station will be roughly 48 x 68 with 4 doors in the front to house at least 5 vehicles. Roy Eslick has donated his dump truck to haul in gravel etc. he’s asking the department to reimburse his gas expense. An ad in the newspaper will need to be placed for bids on the new station, we need at least 3 bids. Bid would be for materials only. Commissioners would like to have Fogles to give a presentation to set up the water system in February.
  • Communications: None
  • Fire Safety: None
  • Recruitment: None
  • Insurance: None


Medical Officer Report: None

Chiefs Report: We had an eye injury in the vehicle storage building The local board of safety committee reviewed the claim and came up with a corrective action to prevent this type of injury in the future.

I’m making headway on the FEMA grant, hope to have it completed by the end of the month.

DNR phase II grant is in the home stretch for being awarded, they needed more info on the location of the dry hydrants and permits required to install them.

SOP’s will be going to print in Feb 2018 and a copy will be handed out to all volunteers along with a signature saying they received a copy.

Structure class has started in Colville, we have ran out of structure gear and will need to place an order for pants and boots once they have completed the class.

Wednesdays in January have been dedicated to ice rescue training. We will be having a final exercise Jan 27, 2018 (Hands on training)

There was a fatality MVA in January, we will be doing a after action review next district meeting.

EMT class is coming up. We have 5 potential candidates that want to attend this class, the fee is $950. Almost $1000 bucks out of pocket for a volunteer to attend and wait 1 year for reimbursement from the department. I feel this asking too much from someone to become an EMT for the department and need re-evaluated by the board.


Open Issues:


  • Burn Building: Herb has received 2 small and 2 large containers so far.
  • Executive Session: 8:15 to 8:37


Shirly made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:20pm Dale seconded. Motion was unanimous.


Respectfully submitted:

Shauna Hippler, Secretary ___________________________________


Charlie Cole, Chairperson ____________________________


Special Commissioners Meeting

This Friday, April 6, at 5:30 pm the commissioners will need to meet for a brief special meeting to vote on paying for the building materials and sign the paperwork for the county to cut the check.

We will also be voting on money for the dry hydrants.

Joint Fire Protection District 3&8 is accepting bids for materials

Joint Fire Protection District 3 & 8 is accepting bids for “materials only” to construct a new fire station on Northport-Flat Creek Road.

Bids are to be sent to:
JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA  99141

Bids must be post marked on or before March 13, 2018 or can be hand delivered to the Commissioners on March 8, 2018 at 1800 (6pm) at the above address. Bids will be read March 15, 2018 at 1800, at a special commissioners meeting. Commissioners reserve the right to refuse any and all bids.

The following images are blueprints for the proposed building.  Images are 3/16 scale.

Images were compiled from multiple images scanned in and merged together into a single image, therefore there are some small imperfections in the scanned image.


Commissioner Meeting for 1/11/18 rescheduled

Commissioner meeting for 1/11/18 has been rescheduled to 1/16/18 due to expected severe weather.

Meeting time remains the same: 1830 hours

Stay safe

Special Commissioner’s Meeting

Special meeting at 6:30pm on Tuesday November 14th, 2017

Purpose: Voucher discussion and approval, Due to internet being down

JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

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The Joint Fire Protection District 3 and 8
Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
All Rights Reserved.

Website Last Updated: February 19, 2025

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