Expanded Burn Ban for Stevens County


By order of the Stevens County Fire Marshal, and pursuant to Resolution 47-2008, adopted in regular session of the Board of County Commissioners on June 30, 2008,

OPEN BURNING is hereby ordered discontinued in the unincorporated areas of Stevens County  to include recreational fires until further notice effective August 8th, 2017, unless this order is otherwise lifted or permitted by law or authorized agencies.  Open burning is any fire other than those permitted below:

This order is not intended to preclude the use of backyard barbecues for the purpose of food preparation only.  A water source must be readily available within 25 feet. 

Violations of this order shall be investigated and prosecuted by the Stevens County Sheriff’s Office/Stevens County Fire Marshal, and the Stevens County Prosecuting Attorney pursuant to the provisions of IFC Section 109, or other applicable state law.  Any person(s) conducting open burning who fails to take immediate action to extinguish or otherwise discontinue such burning when ordered or notified to do so shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

A violation of this order is a misdemeanor and shall be punishable upon conviction by a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both.  (Stevens County Building Code Ordinance 02-1984 Section 7).

Signed and so ordered this 7th day of August, 2017.

Kendle Allen
Stevens County Sheriff/Fire Marshal




Commissioner Meeting Minutes – July 13, 2017

MINUTES July 13, 2017

The regular meeting of Joint Fire Protection Ferry County District 3/Stevens County District 8 was called to order at 6:36 p.m. on July 13, 2017 at the District Office by Chairperson: Charlie Cole.

Present: Commissioners Chez Young, Helen Sowards, Dale McNitt, Steve Benell. Chief Herb Hippler, Purchasing Agent Mark Stevens and Secretary, Shauna Hippler.

Guests: Danne Ingham

Minutes: Helen made the motion to accept the amended minutes from June 2017 minutes, Dale seconded. Vote was unanimous.


Food for picnic:  Steve made the motion to approve $350 for purchase of food and drink etc. for the summer bbq. Chez seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Communications to the board: The County wouldn’t let the paperwork be filed for the Northport/Flatcreek property because we needed a title after JFPD 3&8. Chez will send over the paperwork with “Municipal” to be refiled.

New Business: Discussed shipping of the tires from Texas, and how to pay the fee.  Also discussed getting a new bank for credit cards.

Correspondence: Went over incoming mail and reports from Shirly since she was absent.

Budget Report:. Helen made the motion to approve payables, Chez seconded. Motion was unanimous.

Vouchers Audited and Certified BY THE AUDITING OFFICER AS REQUIRED BY RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing, which has been made available to the board. As of this date July 13, 2017 the board by a unanimous vote, does approve for payment those vouchers included in the above list and further described as follows: Accounts Payable vouchers #326274 through #326294 in the amount of $18,718.84.

Committee Reports:

  • Buildings: None
  • Communications: None
  • Fire Safety: None
  • Recruitment: None
  • Insurance: None

Other: Interviewed Danne Ingham for the new janitorial position. Motion to hire her made by Helen and seconded by Dale and Steve. Vote was unanimous.

Medical Officer Report:

Chiefs Report: Herb found a new truck to replace the () at Barney’s station. The new truck is 15,800. Steve made the motion to approve purchase price of new truck. Helen seconded and vote was unanimous. Lonelywolf will be doing all vehicle inspections for all the stations.

Open Issues:

  • Burn Building – None
  • Warning signs – None
  • Executive Session: None

Helen made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:55 pm Dale seconded. Motion was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted:

Shauna Hippler, Secretary ___________________________________

Charlie Cole, Chairperson ____________________________


Fire danger and precaution level increases in northeast Washington

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced today the following changes in fire danger rating and industrial fire precaution levels (IFPL) on DNR-protected lands.

Effective 12:01 a.m., Sunday, August 6, 2017:

  • Fire danger will increase from high to very high in Pend Oreille County.
  • Fire danger remains very high in Lincoln, Spokane, Okanogan, Stevens and Ferry counties.  

Effective 12:01 a.m., Sunday, August 6, 2017:

  • IFPL will increase to a Level 3 in zones 678W, 684, 685, 686 and 687.
  • IFPL will remain a Level 2 in zone 678E and 688.

Daily updates on burn restrictions are available at 1-800-323-BURN or on the Fire Danger and Outdoor Burning risk map at https://fortress.wa.gov/dnr/protection/firedanger/ and IFPL map at http://www.dnr.wa.gov/ifpl.

The IFPL system
Industrial Fire Precaution Levels apply to all industrial operations that might cause a fire on or adjacent to lands protected from fire by DNR (WAC 332-24-301); this applies to logging and other industrial operations.

The levels are established for each of the 38 “shutdown zones” in the state on the basis of National Fire Danger Rating System data.

There are four IFPL levels:

  • Level 1 (closed fire season):  fire equipment and a fire watch are required
  • Level 2 (partial hoot owl):  limits certain activities to between 8 p.m. and 1 p.m.; fire equipment and a fire watch are required
  • Level 3 (partial shutdown):  prohibits some activities and limits others to between 8 p.m. and 1 p.m.; fire equipment and a fire watch are required
  • Level 4 (general shutdown):  prohibits all activities

Liberty Fire information update

Burning near Liberty Creek is the Liberty Fire.

For the latest update on this fire, you can find information at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5437/

Note that this fire has no chance of affecting those in the 3 & 8 fire district.  We post this information just as an fyi

Online training

We have a link to the NWCG Online Course Materials firefighters need to complete some of their mandatory online training.  You can find it under Educational Resources above.


Fire danger increases in northeast Washington

Campfire restrictions in Okanogan County

OLYMPIA – The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced today the following changes in fire danger rating on DNR-protected lands.

Effective 12:01 a.m., Friday, July 28, 2017:

  • Fire danger will increase from high to very high in Okanogan, Lincoln, Spokane, Stevens and Ferry counties.
  • All campfires in Okanogan County will be prohibited. Other northeastern counties may allow campfires in approved campfire pits in designated campgrounds, however, always check with campground host before starting any campfire as individual campgrounds may not allow campfires.

Daily updates on burn restrictions are available at 1-800-323-BURN or on the Fire Danger and Outdoor Burning risk map at https://fortress.wa.gov/dnr/protection/firedanger/ and IFPL map at http://www.dnr.wa.gov/ifpl.

 Fireworks and incendiary devices, such as exploding targets, sky lanterns, or tracer ammunition, are illegal on all DNR-protected forestlands.

DNR’s wildfire mission

Administered by Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz, DNR is responsible for preventing and fighting wildfires on 13 million acres of private, state and tribal-owned forestlands. DNR is the state’s largest on-call fire department and participates in Washington’s coordinated interagency approach to firefighting.

Janet Pearce
Communications Manager

Guy Gifford
Public Information Officer

Request for Bids – Well

Joint Fire Protection District 3 & 8 is accepting bids for a well. Bids must be sealed and postmark by 8/8/17 and mailed to:

JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, Wa. 99141

Bids will be reviewed at the commissioner’s meeting on 8/10/17.

Sealed bids will be opened at 7 PM.

Commissioners maintain the rights to accept or refuse all bids.

Station meeting – July 2017

The Station meeting for July 24 will be combined trainings

Time: 1800-2000

Barney’s/Tipton – Meet at French Rock
Flat Creek/Barstow – Meeting place is still TBD.  Will be updated when location known
Orient/Sand Creek – Meet at Orient

Summer BBQ

It’s going to be a long, hot summer.  So why not spend a nice hot day at a BBQ where the fire cooks good food instead of cooking tired firefighters?

Location: Kettle River Campground

Date: Saturday, July 15
Time: 1200 to ?

Pot Luck, so bring your favourite foods.  The district will provide the meat.  (Something about a district hunt the day before?  No?)

District Training – July 2017

The district training for the month of July 2017 will be at the District training center.  Wear Wildland PPE.

Main subject will be ICS Review.


JFPD 3&8
25266 Hwy 395 N
Kettle Falls, WA 99141

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The Joint Fire Protection District 3 and 8
Stevens and Ferry Counties, WA
All Rights Reserved.

Website Last Updated: February 19, 2025

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